A downloadable game

The Story So Far...

Princess Sparklemuffin, heir to the throne of the Shimmering City, has a talent for getting kidnapped and captured, thanks to a magical ring given to her as a child that also protects her from fatal harm. After her beloved childhood nanny goes missing, Princess Sparklemuffin recruits a party of misfit adventurers to help her rescue someone else for a change!

However, unbeknownst to her, ancient dark forces are threatening to return, and the only thing that can save the kingdom is the sparkle she brings to it through her kindness, friendship, and uncanny ability to be nice to idiots! Her companions are good people who don’t always agree on what it means to be good, and have to learn to get along even when they disagree.  

Song of Sparklemuffin is a classic JRPG turn-based strategy game with alternate ways to progress via adventure game-style social and logic puzzles.  At times cozy, at other times meme-worthy insanity, Song of Sparklemuffin is a game about different ways to be a hero, even if you’re not strong, smart, or terribly brave.

Why Are We Doing This

We believe that games don't need huge budgets and graphics that make your computer explode to be compelling and fun. 

We’ve also heard from many people who want to laugh with a game, not feel laughed at. 

People are sick of the culture war. We think that the divide between games that include people and games that are fun to play are artificial. Games don't need to scold players to be "diverse", challenge, or to examine complicated social issues. We don’t believe in pandering, but we also don’t believe in forcing players into misery for their own good.

Are we expecting to be perfect in our execution? No. But we're not going to try. Every character and scenario in this game exists because we love it and feel it belongs. 

We have LGBTQ+ characters, characters of multiple races, and even a pretty princess because they are extensions of ourselves. We’re not doing it to show off what good people we are, or to convert anyone to a position. Games are things we play, and we want to play with the player… do NOT make that dirty… too late, right?

We want players to feel like Song of Sparklemuffin accepts anyone with a kind heart, no matter who they are, or how much they try to hide it.


This game is currently unavailable

Development log